Wednesday 13 May 2015

Finding Audrey || Book Review

Finding Audrey Book Review 

Let me just put something out there :

1. I just finished my spring semester and I am so excited to travel for summer.

2. After getting back home at 8 pm from my long day of finals, I decided to read Finding Audrey which was sent to me by the publisher. (however, these are all my opinion, not sponsored.)

3. I finished the book in one sitting and when I looked up at the time, it was 1:00 am.

This book was sweet, funny, and very entertaining. It's about a girl named Audrey, who developed an anxiety disorder. She would wear black glasses, stay home every day and when someone speaks to her, she panics, and runs away. Yes I know all of us get nervous around people we don't know but hers became a serious matter, till a boy name Linus, her brother's friend came along and helped her. The challenges they faced and the risk they were willing to take in order for Audrey to jump over the bridge of being anxious around people was interesting and fun. The author did an amazing job in describing the characters as well as the atmosphere. This allows the readers to feel connected to the story as well as the character themselves- like they are a part of the story, a part of Audrey. The book isn't revolved around Aubrey only, it also touches on family matters, teen crisis and friendship which made it even more interesting. Did I mention that this book was funny? Let me rephrase: It was hilarious! I wouldn't know how to describe funny but if you read it, you will know.

This book will be on sale on June 2015.

hugs and kisses

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