Saturday 25 July 2015

Summer Smoothie Bowl with only 3 Ingredients !

Summer Smoothie Bowl with only 3 ingredients !


1 cup of frozen strawberries
2 large kiwi
a handful of goji berries
1/2 pack of The Lean Green Super Powder from Vivarise  (optional)

I N S T R U C T I O N S 

1. Freeze the strawberries over night.
2. Take them out in the morning to defrost while you slice the kiwi.
3. Throw the chopped kiwis into the blender and blend them for a while before you pour in the strawberries. 
3. After pouring the strawberries in, I added the Super Powder from Vivarise
4. Pour into a"mug bowl" and top it with more kiwis and some goji berries. 

The Lean Green Super Powder from Vivarise

I was sent some samples a few months ago but to be honest I was quiet anxious to try them and also because I was traveling a lot so I had no time to play around with it in the kitchen. However, when I got back from a long vacation, I feel the need to detox and start fresh. (Lets face it guys, we all feel this way after a long trip) I decided to add some of the powder into my smoothie and oh my goodness gracious I cannot describe how amazing it tasted. You wouldn't get used to it at first but after the second or third bite, you will find yourself digging into the bowl like a mad person. The saddest part will have to be when your spoon hits the bottom of the bowl and you only have one spoon full left. That's the saddest part! I think it is probably 27 calories per pack and the ingredient are all amazing; like, kale, spirulina, chlorella, wheatgrass, bitter melon, barley grass, lemon and 4 other super food ingredients. It is dairy-free, gluten-free, soy-free, and vegan. I seriously recommend it. There are a lot of benefits to it and you can check them out here

Hope you all have a lovely summer and I know school is starting soon but hey, look on the bright side, Halloween and Christmas is coming soon too ! 

hugs and kisses

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