Sunday 24 July 2016

Reckless & Ruined (The Chicago War #2)

Reckless & Ruined (The Chicago War #2)

This book is a lot more forbidden and dangerous. Sneaking around and playing with fire whiles walking on thin lines. I love how each book in this series is about each character. It really sums up the whole series in different POV and experiencing each character's struggles and happy ever after.

Alessa is very smart, innocent, and selfless. She thinks of other people before herself. Adriano is a lot more daring, willing, determine, and get what he wants. 

In this book, a lot of family matter come into place, revenge, taking power, etc. It has more elements of action, mystery, and romance all mushed up together. This book involves a lot of killing as well but the romance probably covers up the evidence. *wink

Alessa and Adriano are both 20 years old but grew up together. They have known each other for a long time. When the Boss, Alessa's grandfather, died, her brother tried to take over but he does not have nearly as much power as Adriano. Hence, Alessa's brother tried to marry Alessa off to some mafia family to get himself to the top, leaving the two love bird furious. War was breaking lose and things were going to hell. 

My casting for Alessa and Adriano are:


hugs and kisses

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